VaxFax helps identify criminals before they cause physical and financial harm
With the emergence of unregulated, fraudulent websites, and counterfeit vaccine and medicine listings, innocent bystanders are at risk of highstake scams, personal data theft, or worse, life-threatening illegal COVID-19 vaccines and medicines.
You can help us take them down.
Report and help stop innocent customers from falling victim to online criminal behavior.
Report the website page or link of any instance of online COVID-19 vaccination or medical fraud, scam or threat and BrandShield's team of professionals will investigate the incident accordingly.
Reports may include any of these sources: Websites | Social media user group or post | Sale on an e-commerce platform | Online ads.
COVID-19 vaccine and medicine scams are on the rise.
Here are 7 ways to identify fraud:
- If you see an ad on social media such as Facebook or Instagram selling a vaccine – it’s a scam!
- If you see a listing on eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, or any other selling a vaccine – it’s a scam!
- If you enter an online pharmacy website and see a vaccine for sale – it’s a scam!
- If you see a website presenting itself as one of the pharma companies and selling a vaccine – it’s a scam!
If you see a social media page or user presenting itself as one of the pharma companies and selling a vaccine – it’s a scam!
- If someone offers to sell you a vaccine in exchange for bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies – it’s a scam!
- If someone offers to sell you a vaccine and communicates the sale through instant messaging such as WhatsUp, Viber, etc. – it’s a scam!